Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Dawn of True Love...Dedicated to my Queen

Kiasman World, is indeed my private world. My kingdom that I rule with all that I have and that includes the beautiful Queen of my Kingdom who was crowned by Jehovah God to rule alongside me. My real source of inspiration.
Love is just a word that gets its full meaning when the right person comes along. Love is like that magnificent force of the almighty that makes people do the unthinkable and has the ability to bring life to a wanting soul or to destroy life altogether if it is misused. It is such a beautiful thing to feel you are in love with the right person who you never want to  miss a moment without. Love is the highest word as it is a true semblance of the almighty: God is love.
I thus dedicate the poem below to the Queen of my Life, who came into my life and made my life complete. Enjoy the lovely poem, and feel free to copy and dedicate it to someone special in your life.