You are over 18 years old and past the legal dating age
according to Kenyan constitution. However you are still single, probably
searching for someone who you can mingle with. The society seems to have
imposed upon our minds that there is a certain age where we are supposed to be
independent in life, and if not married, be in a serious relationship that
could lead to marriage. For men, biology favors them as it is very possible for
a man past the age of 45 to procreate but for the ladies at this age, menopause
is vigorously knocking and this could mean being unable to procreate.
Generally, in our African society, a lady past the age of 30 years old and a
man past the age of 40 years old and still single is considered a little bit
late in the dating life.
So from my independent observation, experience and
interactions with people, I managed to come up with 10 major and good reasons
why you might be single up to now, regardless of your age. Read on.